Chess is a game of War. And since war is an inherent part of life we can say chess can teach you much about war and life…without rambling too much these are some few Concepts to consider on how chess strategy can be used in daily life and in Warfare.
It is a tug of war
A good chess player understands that it is a push and pull between two forces to gain advantage it is a tug of war and a player should not succumb easily to the opponents move issue come up with his own strategy and think for himself.
First thing of what you can do to your opponent and not what your opponent can do to you your opponent in this case may mean challenges life issues and a real war opponent. This is the very first principle failure to understand this means that you are already defeated before you even got started. Believing in the strength of your own moves and acting upon it gives the opponent something to worry about and greatly increases your chances of winning.
Know the endgame
All great Masters in chess war and life have studied the ending vastly… knowing the endgame is the building block of achieving anything do you want us succeed in the end the study the end game first.
Why? because end games are the first principles those are the very basics upon which everything is built.
Remember the quote the end justifies the means so what are you driving at what do you really want to achieve when it’s all done.
The ending is really what differentiates the Masters from the amateurs you’ll find someone doing well in the middle game maybe in life or in a war but at the end loses out because he hasn’t studied and planned for the endgame that is where everything becomes obvious.
If you have a clear ending you want to achieve you can reverse engineer it and make moves that leads you to your goal.
For instance in a chess game if you manage to get a bit ahead during the course of the game, you should quickly exchange all your major pieces so that you have one more piece while your opponent has none this almost makes your chance of winning 100% compared to having say 4 men while your opinions has 3.
1 – 0 is 1 4 – 3 is 1
But the difference is that one will always win against zero while three can manage to win against four if the player with the four pieces blunders this principle applies to war and life. It happens frequently that when you are up in the game you may feel a bit relaxed while you’re open it is secretly more determined and before you know it the unexpected happened the game flips and you may just lose.
This process is called simplification you need to simplify once you are up in material towards attaining your goal for instance if you set your goal to get to a million dollars and you are at $300,000 you will want to simplify all activities such that your sole aim is growing your money to reach your goal the moment you get busy with other activities you find out that your end money can vanish right before your eyes. And believe it that is when you get busier with more people needing your time and attention.
When you start a business you want to say yes to everything and all opportunities in order to make more but the moment you reach a threshold you will want to reverse that and say no to Almost everything so you can focus on the important things if you keep on getting busy you will lose the gains you’ve made this process is simplification it is a master strategy required to achieve greater results.
During a chess game if you have a piece up compared to your opponent you may be tempted to get involved in Tactics but NO that is not the time to get involved in the Quagmire all you have to do is to come up with a strategy
And what is that strategy??
It is to exchange all pieces, that should be your sole and only aim , nothing else. Say a big no to any other plan.
Exchange all pieces until you are one man or your opponent has none that’s way you win no contest
On the battlefield as well if you apply this principle you know you won right.